Site Work & Excavation
At Marawood Construction Servicers, excavation is more than moving earth. It is getting the project started right! Many ask why has Marawood invested in such a large amount of earth moving equipment and technology and the answer is simple. To control the project site is to control the project.
High-Strength Steel
Built to Last
Corrugated Steel Structure
Concrete Foundation
Replace Cracked Walkway
Path Digging
Conveyance of Stormwater
Stormwater Detention

Site work and excavation is a project component that offers one of the highest risk and cost and schedule over run. The best method to combat that risk is to have the right tool for the job. In excavation having the right “tool” goes beyond a single piece of equipment. Success relies on multiple pieces of equipment working in harmony with each other.
Marawood is committed to having the right tools for the job. Our equipment inventory consists of track excavators, dozers, trucks, and compactors of multiple sizes and capabilities. Marawood has invested in GPS grading technology to compliment it’s equipment fleet. This technology truly reduces the project risk, and provides a level of accuracy to truly get the job started right.
In two weeks’ time, the barn walls and excavation were completed, with the final time-and-material excavation bill well under budget. I am also extremely pleased with the quality and timeliness. I want to thank your crews for maintaining their efficiency even with the poor weather conditions, and extended travel
Doug Ullom
Squires Farm